Revelation 4
The Throne Room of Heaven
Chapter 1—Meet our Glorious Commander
Chapter 2 & 3—Rally letters to His Ambassadors prior to the battle.
Chapter 4 & 5—Ambassadors come home; music is prepared, preparations for war are made.
Introduction (4:1)
I. A Description of the One on the Throne (4:2-3)
1. A jasper and sardius stone—
II. Those around the Throne (4:4-8)
1. A rainbow in appearance like an emerald—
2. 24 thrones and elders—
3. lightnings, thunderings, and voices—
4. 7 Spirits of God—
5. Sea of Glass, like crystal—
6. 4 living creatures—
III. The Worship of the Lord (4: 9-11)
1. the casting of crowns—
2. the song to be sung—