Revelation 3:7-13

Philadelphia—The Church that God Empowers!

The book of Revelation brings the battle that started at the beginning of history when Satan rebelled—resulting in mankind’s plunge into sin and loss of dominion over Earth—to a glorious conclusion as Jesus Christ returns claims what is rightly His!
Letters to the Seven Churches–
I. The History of the City
This was the youngest of the 7 cities.
It had very little influence and status.
It was built for a purpose by King Attalus of Pergamos to Hellenize the East—it was literally a gateway (open door) to the East.
It suffered greatly from earthquakes.

II. The Description of Jesus Christ—3:7
1. He who is holy and true—The Righteousness of the King
If our church is holy—it is because He is holy and the source of holiness.
If our church is true—it is because He is truth and the source of truth.
If the church has open doors to ministry—it is because He has opened them.
The true church is simply a reflection of the life of Christ. No church has success or power until Christ is until Christ is the focus of everything.

2. He who has the keys—The Resources of the King
Eliakim (Isaiah 22) had the key to the treasures of Hezekiah. There is no other resource or power apart from King Jesus. He opens and closes every door of opportunity.

III. The Approval—3:8-10
The Lord knows their works.
You have an open door! Why? “You have a little strength” “You have kept My Word” “You have not denied My name”
You have a little strength—it’s scary to be of little strength with a bid wide door—total dependence on God. Gideon and his 300; a little lad with a little lunch; a shepherd boy with 5 smooth stones…
Jesus is powerful over the enemy! Verse 9
Jesus is powerful over our situations! Verse 10
IV. The Condemnation—
There is no condemnation—just like Smyrna

V. The Counsel—3:11
Because Jesus is coming quickly, we must hold fast and be faithful to Christ so we do not lose rewards.

VI. The Promise—3:12
1. I will make him a pillar (Remember 1 Kings 7:21 Yachin—He shall establish; and Boaz—In Him is Strength)

2. I will write on Him
A. the name of My God—ownership—brand—He is Mine, God will say.
B. the name of the Heavenly city—New Jerusalem—

C. My new name—I am in union with Christ—the bride takes the name of her husband.

Apply the truth—
1. Are you an overcomer?
2. Are you growing Christian?
Depending on Him for strength. Committed to Him. Submissive to Him. Identifying open doors—no matter how scary.
3. Are we a growing church? Not numerically only…
Are you excited about the future of this church?
Do you feel totally inadequate to carry out this ministry? Not “unprepared” but “Lord, I need Your power!”
Big opportunities and little strength is God’s recipe for victory and a great future!
Faithful in teaching God’s Word—each one faithful to the name of Christ.