Revelation 3:14-22

Laodicea—The Church that was Lukewarm!

The book of Revelation brings the battle that started at the beginning of history when Satan rebelled—resulting in mankind’s plunge into sin and loss of dominion over Earth—to a glorious conclusion as Jesus Christ returns claims what is rightly His!

Letters to the Seven Churches–

I. The History of the City (name means “people” “rule”)
Laodicea was a wealthy city founded by Antiochus II. They produced a black cloth and a special eye salve.
It is one of the TRIPLE cities—Colossae (cold water from mountains); Hierapolis (hot springs flowed from here). Col. 4:13
Almost hot is lukewarm, almost sweet is bitter.
This was the sorriest of the churches.
Neither healing or refreshing.
Indifferent, physically wealthy.
God looks at apostasy and gets angry.
God looks at indifference and gets sick.

II. The Description of Jesus Christ—3:14
1. He is the AMEN—He is all promises of God fulfilled.
2. He is the Faithful and True Witness-p-He speaks as the ONE having all authority.
3. He is the beginning of creation—Colossians 1; He is the source and object of all creation!!
Jesus is reminding the church of Who they are turning away from!

III. The Approval—

IV. The Condemnation—3:15-17
Lukewarm…In the Bible there is no room for mediocrity. If there is a Heaven and Hell, then we must warn people!! We must be radical (root)—math, vegetable…someone who has been touched to the core of their being. Seized to the root—like Elijah against the prophets of Baal.
What makes you lukewarm? Self-sufficiency. Earthquakes had hit this city many times and the city would never receive help from Rome for rebuilding. They insisted on doing it themselves.
They were poor because they were without real and eternal possessions and were lacking the eye of faith that could ascertain true riches forever. Blind to things which can only be seen by spiritual sight—naked of spiritual clothing.

V. The Counsel—3:18-19
Buy gold refined in fire—
White garments—righteous acts of the saints
Anoint your eyes with eye salve
I love…I rebuke…I chasten…
Be zealous and repent.

VI. The Promise—3:20-22
If anyone—god doesn’t save churches or families but individuals.

Sit with Christ on His throne.