1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

“Honoring God’s Work and Workers – part 2”

This letter is full of reminders and encouragement to stand fast and keep progressing in the faith!  It is not primarily a problem-solving letter seeking to change belief or behavior.

 The church is a complex assembly of people including a variety of personalities.  There are leaders and followers (v. 12-13); weak in the faith and strong (v. 14-15); optimists and pessimists (v. 16-18) ; the cynical and the gullible (v. 19-22).  These must coexist in the church and learn to love one another and work with one another for the glory of God. 

 The Church belongs to Jesus Christ—He paid for her with His own blood.

The Church has difficulty because it is made up of imperfect people.

The Church has difficulty because Satan wants to destroy the Church.

The value of healthy relationships.

  1. Leaders who take their responsibility seriously.

A pastor works, leads, and admonishes. (5:12)

  1. People who love one another devotedly (5: 13-15)

The people recognize the pastor’s calling and respect his work.

Today’s lesson continues with  “people who love one another devotedly”.

 1.Warn the unruly (5:14)

Who are they?

What do we do?

2. Comfort the faint hearted (5:14)

Who are they?

What do we do?

3. Uphold the weak (5:14)

Who are they?

What are we to do?

4. Be patient with all. (5:14)

Who are they?

What are we to do?

5. Be kind to the wicked. (5:15)

Who are they?

What are we to do?

Q:  Are you fully committed to loving one another for the glory of God and the effective proclaiming of the gospel message?

The Importance of Personal Devotion (5: 16-22)

  1. Be joyful in our outlook (5:16)
  1. Be persistent in prayer (5:17)
  1. Be grateful in attitude (5:18)
  1. Be filled with the Spirit (5:19)
  1. Be obedient to the Scriptures (5:20)
  1. Be discerning regarding truth (5:21)
  1. Abstain from every form of evil (5:22)